Residential Treatment Programs

Learning to SURF with BRH.
All programs during Bear River Health’s residential programs are Substance Use Recovery Focused (SURF) - because living in recovery is to stay balanced on a board for the rest of your sober life. Learning fundamental skills of sobriety and, through practice of these concepts, building a strong and balanced foundation to stand on (that’s your surfboard). Repetition will provide mastery of these new skills. Falling off the board happens, especially when you are learning. But you'll climb back aboard, more aware and better able to recognize what knocked you off, and how to adapt your stance to continue to ride those waves of indecision. The key is to learn and get right back on, to learn from the fall; better prepared to ride it out and remain vigilant in your pursuit of sobriety.
Join our Men and Women’s Residential Programs in beautiful northwest Lower Michigan to learn to SURF. While treatment programs for both men and women are the same, Bear River Health offers gender separation with two separate residential campuses.

Slideshow Coming Soon
Women's Facility

Men's Facility
Slideshow Coming Soon
At BRH, each client is placed into a treatment group. Your group includes other clients, as well as a team of dedicated coaches and therapists who work with you to uncover the root causes of your addiction and provide tools to address these causes. You will do most of your activities with members of your Team, which helps build a close bond and leads to the “family” support style of our program. Bear River Health staff work to provide guidance and coaching that helps you remain focused on healing - mind, body and spirit.
Just as you can take a group class to learn to surf, there will be times when you need individualized attention to help address your own abilities. Similarly, you will work with a licensed therapist one-on-one on a regular basis while at Bear River. This allows for a safe, confidential place to process sobriety as well as working with your therapist to create your own treatment plan.
A treatment plan is your individualized plan to get - and stay - sober. This is where you can pick your pathway to recovery. Different clinicians use different recovery programs and theories, and will share that knowledge with you to help you come up with the plan that will meet your needs. Discharge planning begins on 'Day 1' using the clients’ input and their individualized care plan to create a path toward sustained and continual recovery.
Clinical Programming Information:
The core of our programs are based on the research-based Living in Balance curriculum as the cornerstone learning tool, the program includes 12 core sessions interspersed over a 4-week period.The core clinical material from Hazelden Living in Balance curriculum is presented twice daily, with relapse prevention being addressed at least twice per week, having 8 unique lessons over a 4-week period.
We teach with a holistic approach focusing on the whole individual: mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically. We provide time for the core programming, as well as ample personal time, individual planning, supplemental programming, and optional groups or sessions.
Check out a sample weekly schedule
In addition to the core recovery programming, and relapse prevention education, residents also attend supplemental programs to address other specific issues and topics, such as: women’s specialty services, physical issues; social and family issues; sexual abuse and compulsive sexual behaviors; grief and loss; money management; nutrition and exercise; chronic pain and opioids; strategies for older adults; and advanced relapse prevention. There is also a weekly non denominational religious program on Sunday’s for spiritual and religious clients.
During their recovery at BRH, residents are also introduced to programs such as 12 step programs like Alcoholics & Narcotics Anonymous, as well as Adult Children of Alcoholics, SMART Recovery, and more.
Preparing for Life After BRH:
At Bear River Health, our goal is for you to live a sober life beyond our doors. We will do everything within our power to help you do so. Therefore, the final phase of the Bear River program is to work with a specialized discharge planner to ensure you have a safe living environment and social support available, wherever you call home. If you do not have these resources readily available, our specialists will help you find and build these resources such as transitional housing, and local support meetings. You will also be introduced to the other programs in the BRH Continuum of Care to learn about how BRH can be here to help you with any stage of your recovery journey through our Outreach Programs, and our partners- the Alumni Network and Primary Care.
residential program Policies & IMPORTANT INFORMATION
Packing List and Information
Clients are allowed one suitcase and one backpack/purse. No other items will be stored.
Do NOT bring bedding of any kind (sheets, blankets, pillows, throws, etc.) They will be provided. Because of risks of bedbugs, we cannot store these items for you.
Bring an ample supply of all your current medications. It may be some time before we are able to help you get refills on your existing medications.
Bear River Health permits the use of tobacco in designated areas outside of the buildings. However, the use of vapes of any kind is prohibited.
Marijuana (CBD or THC) in any form is not allowed.
Download our complete packing list and information about what NOT to bring here.
Mail & Other Communications
We encourage all clients to bring stamps and addresses to send mail to friends and family. Stamps will also be available at the BRH Store once a week.
Clients will not have access to personal devices, but we do provide limited, supervised time where clients can use phones, tablets, and computers for telephone or video calls, emails, etc. Please note there is no access to phones or devices while in detox.
All incoming mail must be sent to the administrative office where it is screened and then delivered to clients. Mail sent to directly to residential locations will be returned to the sender.
Bear River Health is not responsible for any lost, damaged, or stolen mail.
If you need to send a client money, we recommended pre-paid credit cards. We do not accept cashiers checks or money orders for purchasing items. Please do not mail cash.
Any mail sent to locations other than than the administrative office, or packages of items not allowed, will be returned to the sender at the sender's expense.
We will not forward mail for clients that have been discharged, these items will be returned to the sender at the sender's expense.
Review the online ordering policy here. In general, online ordering is discouraged unless considered necessary for during the program.
Current Covid precautions are in place that restricts visitors at any Bear River Health locations - no unsolicited visitation is allowed. All guests and clients to all locations must have appointments.
All locations are "closed campuses."
We will revisit our visitation policies once COVID restrictions have been lifted.
While clients do not have access to personal devices, we encourage them to stay in touch via video calls, phone calls, emails, and letters. Clients will have limited, supervised access to BRH phones, tablets, and computers during designated rec times.
Please refer to the section on mail and packages for more information.
We do not offer day passes for clients to leave campus for the day.
Travel and Transportation
Client Drop-off and Pick-ups: All intake happens at the same location. Click here for the address for our intake office.
If you drive your own car to your residential program, it will be parked away from campus and you will not have access to it during your stay. Please note your vehicle will be subject to search.
If you have exhausted all other options and cannot arrange other transportation, we may be able to help. Please speak with your admissions counselor for more information.
We do not provide transportation for appointments outside of Bear River Health. If you have legal or court-related obligations, or other special circumstance, we will work with you on a case by case basis. Please let your admission counselor know about the situation during your intake.
Transportation between BRH facilities or for special outings will be provided.
Recipient Rights
Each recipient is provided with a LARA Recipient Rights Complaint form and grievance form upon intake, in addition to information regarding their rights as recipients and how to file a complaint.
There are confidential recipient rights boxes located in each building where group sessions are held, and all boxes are stocked with proper forms to complete if necessary.
The contact information for the Recipient Rights Officer is available at intake and at each recipient rights box location.
Additional information is provided if requested orally or in writing.
Each staff member is required to complete the Improving Michigan Practices training regarding the rights of recipients in order to ensure compliance of these policies.
Upon receipt of any complaint or grievance, the Recipients Rights or Compliance Officer completes an impartial and confidential investigation. Under the circumstances of an immediate safety risk, the Executive Director and Human Resources department are notified immediately to take preventive action during the investigative process. All investigations are completed in a timely manner, and a narrative report is completed detailing the findings. Recommended remedial action is taken to the Executive Director and Human Resources department in the event of a substantiated complaint, or potential for process improvement. Following each investigation, the reporting recipient is met with to go over the final findings, and are made aware of their option to appeal a decision at any time. Bear River Health is compliant with the reporting requirements and procedures outlined in the Joint Commission and LARA standards as well as all contractual obligations.